Sunday, October 23, 2016

Please share, It can save someone's life.

Eating healthy diet and doing exercise can prevent us from cancer. But these days cancer is growing so rapidly that most of us must be in touch with someone who might be fighting with this deadly disease. We are always looking for herbs / diet which can cure it, But more important is we should avoid things that are helping cancer cells grow in the body.  I will list down some foods that should be avoided by cancer patients, At the same time some of these foods can be good for healthy person.

  1. Peanuts and cashews
  3. corn, specially cold corn in salads
  4. Mushrooms
  5. Diary products including milk
  6. Eggs - by cooking and boiling properly is very important in case of eggs even for healthy person.
  7. STORED GRAINS AND CEREALS - should be cooked properly, ever eat cold stored pasta salads
  8. Sugar
  9. Yeast
  10. Caffeine in high amount, small amount can be ok.
  11. stored apple juice, Always try to drink fresh juice.
  12. dried fish
  13. White table salt, Himalayan rock salt can be beneficial
  14. Hydrogenated and vegetable oils 
  15. Meat, Go vegan.
  16. Tobacco
  17. Alcohol
  18. Any stored food is bad, Should have only fresh food.
  19. Vinegar in more than required amount. one or two spoon on salad is good.
  20. Never use Microwave cooked food.
  21. White flour (Maida).
  22. Use Copper, iron or silver Utensils to cook.
If you want to know about reason why they should be avoided, Please comment.


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